Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Apple Investigation & Apple Fun

Apples, Apples, Apples 

Here are some of the apple books we enjoyed last week: 


The children and I *LOVED* doing 
Mrs. Lee's Apple Investigation. 

Each child weighed their apple using a balance scale, used cubes to measure it's height, drew their apple and noted it's color, checked for a stem, etc... 

Click HERE to get a copy of the investigation from Mrs. Lee's Blog.
 It's awesome! 

My growing scientists used their senses to make observations about apples

and they drew and labeled the parts of an apple in their science notebooks.

The children enjoyed peeling and coring their own apples. We put them into the crock pot, along with some sugar, cinnamon, and water... and a few hours later we had many visitors wondering what had the hallways smelling so good. 
Our applesauce was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had TONS of fun! :) Thanks for the link up!
