Sunday, September 19, 2010

We're Going on a Word Hunt...

Last week the students went on a word hunt. They LOVED searching through big books for words they have learned. They filled up our bulletin board within a matter of minutes. I loved watching the students' excitement and pride as they read and wrote words they knew. Way to go word hunters!


  1. Mrs. Rider,
    We checked out your awesome blog this evening and am looking forward to following it throughout the year. It is such a great way for parents and past students and fellow teachers to get a window into your world. I wonder if you will mind if I direct my early childhood teachers at X to it so they can come up with their own ideas on how they might want to design a blog or use technology to expand their classroom experiences. You are a true Gem!!! By the way, Mick and I loved the music to go along with everything and we were not surprised you would attach music to your blog because when he thinks of you he thinks of dancing and having fun to music....We love you!
    The Mattsons

  2. Mattson Family,
    Thank you so much for your kind words! You know I think the world of you, too!! I have really loved creating and maintaining the classroom blog. You are more than welcome to share my blog with your Xavier students. I always love networking with other teaching professionals.
    Mick, I am so glad that you enjoyed the music. : ) It has been fun to select songs that go with each post. Scott loves helping me with that and tracking the visitors' locations. I hear you are doing some awesome things in 2nd grade. Hooray! Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope to see you soon!
    Mrs. Rider
