Saturday, October 10, 2015

Official Book Experts

First we created a Book Lovers Club - and fell in love with books and reading. 

Next, we dug a little deeper and became 

The students have been hard at work in Reader's Workshop.

They've been learning about authors, illustrators, parts of a book, end pages, characters, setting, and much more! 

So incredibly proud of the work we are doing...

Check out these SMARTIES: 

Here is some of the work we have done while becoming book experts.

After all of this work I decided they needed to be deemed official book experts.

I don't know if it was the fact that they were finally official book experts, the special certificates that made it official, or the Smarties that I gave away... but the students were COMPLETELY OVER THE MOON   when we celebrated. 

There was applause, smiles, high-fives, and many cheers as friends received their official certificates.

Seriously, it was the best. 

Makes my teacher heart happy for many reasons - children loving books, being truly investing in learning, and caring about their friends' success and learning! 

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing my 5 and 6 year old friends discussing characters, settings, end page, and the similarities between authors and illustrators.

Congratulations book experts!

Teachers, you can find the book expert pack with recording book and editable book expert certificates here.  


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